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Page 8 of 14 Results 351 - 400 of 684

Title/NameOrder by:  Author  Title  Year

Haegeman, John, John's Island Stolen Sawmill. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 9 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Northcentral Ontario; john's island

Keywords: john's island; stolen sawmill; forestory

Paget, Garry, Junior Forest Ranger Program. Forestory, 2016, 7(2), 31-32 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Science/Education,Organizational History

Keywords: forestory; junior ranger

Bacher, John, Kettle Creek: A Story of Ecological Restoration. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 16-19 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management,Forest Conservation

Location: Southwestern Ontario; Kettle Creek

Keywords: ecological restoration; kettle creek; forestory

Uhlig, Peter, Land - The Foundation. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 10-13 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: land; forestory

Paterson, Gilbert C., Land Settlement in Upper Canada 1783 - 1840 (in Sixteenth Report of the Department of Archives for the Provnice of Ontario, 1920). Edited by Alexander Fraser, 1921, Toronto: The Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Location: Upper Canada, Southern Ontario

Patterson, Gilbert C., Land Settlement in Upper Canada 1783-1840. 1920, Toronto: King's Printer for the Province of Ontario

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Theberge, John, Legacy: Natural History of Ontario. 1989, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Lewis Ringham. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 35 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people; lewis ringham; forestory

Lim, Kevin, LIDAR - Enhancing Forest Resources Inventory. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 19-24 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: forest inventory; LIDAR; forestory

Kirkwood, Valerie, Limerick Forest. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 10-12 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Southeastern Ontario; Limerick

Keywords: limerick forest; reforestation; eastern ontario; forestory

Pigeon, Mary McCormack, Living at Cache Lake. 1995, Whitney, ON: The Friends of Algonquin Park

Location: Cache Lake, Algonuin Park

Keywords: algonquin park, cache lake, forest rangers

Wright, Grace (Joy) and Fred Holmes, Living in a Lumber Mill Village - Byng Inlet, Georgian Bay; Personal Recollections. Forestory, 2018, 9(1), 21-24 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: central ontario; byng inlet; georgian bay

Keywords: forestory; personal recollections; lumber mill village; byng inlet

Hambly, Sherry, Living, Historic Sawmills. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 32-34 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,Museums/Archives/Societies

Keywords: forestory; sawmills; museums

Haegeman, John, Log Marks. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 12-13 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Northcentral Ontario

Keywords: log marks; forestory

Kauffmann, Carl, Logging days in Blind River. 1970, Sault Star Commercial Printing

Subject: Logging

Location: Blind River

Gillis, R.P., T.R. Roach, Lost Initiatives. 1986, Forest History Society, Greenwood Press

Location: Canada

Macfie, John, Lots More ,,,, Parry Sound Stories. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 17-20 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: central ontario; parry sound

Keywords: forestory; parry sound; john macfie; sawmills; fires; accidents

McIlveen, W.D., Lumber History of Halton. Forestory, 2020, 11(2), 25-29 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Southwestern Ontario; Halton

Keywords: forestory; lumber history; halton

Lee, David, Lumber Kings & Shantymen - Logging anad Lumbering in the Ottawa Valley. 2006, James Lorimer & Company Ltd., Toronto

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Land/Forest Planning/Management,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Ottawa Valley

Sorden, L.G. and Jacque Vallier, Lumberjack Lingo. 1986, North Word

Location: North America

Keywords: Word meanings; lingo; dictionary

Lee, David, Lumberkings and Shantymen: Logging and Lumbering in the Ottawa Valley. 2006, James Lorimer and Company

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: ottawa valley

Keywords: logging; ottawa river valley; lumer trade; lumbermen

ODLF, Manual of Management Plan Requirements for the Province of Ontario. 1962, Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Department of Lands and Forests

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Keywords: management; planning;

Marking for Tomorrow. Toronto, Ontario: Ministry of Natural Resources

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Keywords: field trip; peel; york;

Bacher, John, Mel Swart: Legislative Guardian of Southern Ontario’s Forest. Forestory, 2023, 14(1), 18-26

Subject: Forest Conservation

Location: Southern Ontario

Keywords: Forestory; Volume 14; Issue 1; 2023; Mel Swart; Conservation

Hambly, Sherry, Memories of Spring Camp at "Dorset". Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 44 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Location: Central Ontario; Dorset

Keywords: personal recollections; memories; spring camp; forestory

Bruce McCallum, Memories of The Chukuni Lumber Co.. 2013, Prince Edward Island: Bruce McCallum

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Bacher, John, Men of the Trees. Forestory, 2014, 5(2), 11-15 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Conservation

Keywords: men of the trees; conservation; forestory

Angus, J.T., Mills and Mill Villages of Severn Township. 1998, Severn Publishing

Location: Severn Township

Bacher, John, Mini Bios of Nelson Monteith, William Phipps and Watson Porter. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 27-28 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: biography; monteith; phipps; porter; forestory; people

Hambly, Sherry, Moma Markovich 1928-1977. Forestory, 2018, 9(2), 23-25 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Art/Other Media

Keywords: forestory; art; moma markovitch; ontario ministry of natural resources

Bacher, John, Monroe Landon Guardian of Southern Ontario Forests. Edited by N/A, Forestory, 2022, 13(2), 7-13 N/A: N/A

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: forestory, fall issue, volume 13, issue 2, monroe landon; john bacher

Masterson, Paul, Mr. Conservation - Dr. Arthur Herbert Richardson. Forestory, 2010, 1(2), 7-9 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Location: Northeastern Ontario; Hearst

Keywords: People; Arthur Herbert Richardson; forestory

Grunstra, Mary, Muskoka Mills, Georgian Bay. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 16-21 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Central Ontario; Georgian Bay; Muskoka Mills

Keywords: sawmill; muskoka mills; sawdust pollution; forestory

Paget, Garry, My Centennial Summer as a Junior Ranger. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 34-36 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Science/Education,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Chapleau

Keywords: personal recollections; junior ranger; garry paget; forestory

Paget, Garry, My Centennial Summer as a Junior Ranger - Part 2. Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 29-34 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Science/Education,People/Personal Recollections

Location: northcentral ontario; chaplea

Keywords: personal recollections; garry paget; junior ranger; forestory

Skidmore, T.B., My First Season of Fire Ranging - 1912 Reprint from The Working Forest Newspaper. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 42-43 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: forest fires; railways; forestory; fire ranger; skidmore; personal recollection

Paget, Garry, My Senior Forest Ranger Summer of 1968. Forestory, 2017, 8(1), 27-30 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Science/Education,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Chapleau

Keywords: forestory; personal recollections; junior rangers; chapleau

Squires, Mac, Nature's Own Monocultures. Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 3-4 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species

Keywords: ecology; jack pine; monocultures; forestory; species

Hambly, Sherry, News About FHSO Media. Forestory, 2019, 10(1), 4 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies,Events/News

Keywords: news; forestory

Brill, Betty, Nipigon Historical Museum and the Forest. Forestory, 2018, 9(2), 19-20 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Location: northwestern ontario; nipigon

Keywords: forestory; museum; tools; photos; maps; company records; nipigon

Plonski, W.L., Normal Yield Tables. 1971, Toronto, Ontario: Department of Lands and Forests

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Keywords: yield, tables

Blanchard, David Alphonse, Northwestern Ontario's Post-war Forest Company Towns. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 8-12 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Northwestern Ontario

Keywords: forest industry; company towns; forestory

Armson, Ken, Nursery and Early Plantings (1917-1927) of the Abitibi Power and Paper Company Ltd., Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 28-30 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: northeastern ontario; Iroquois Falls

Keywords: nursery; early plantings; reforestation; abitibi; iroquois falls; forestory

Oak Ridges Moraine. Edited by The Storm Coalition (Compilers), 1997, Erin, ON: Boston Mills Press

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Forest Conservation

Location: Oak Ridges Moraine, Greater Toronto Region

Keywords: Oak ridges moraine, natural heritage

Squires, Mac, Observations on a Plantation - The Anders Plantation in the Black Spruce Forest. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 30-34 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Northwestern Ontario; Black Spruce Forest

Keywords: Anders plantation; forestory; black spruce forest

Connelly, Brent, Off in a Cloud of Heifer Dust - Some Ottawa Valley Yarns. 2009, Renfrew, Ontario: General Store Publishing House

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ottawa Valley

McLeod, Judi, Old Soldiers Never Die. Forestory, 2018, 9(1), 9-11 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: forestory; people

Kuhlberg, M, One Hundred Rings and Counting. 2009, University of Toronto Press

Location: University of Toronto

High, Steven, One Job Town: Work, Belonging and Betrayal in Northern Ontario. 2018, Toronto: University of Toronto Press

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Northern Ontario

Keywords: Northern Ontario; forest industry; companies

High, Steven, One Job Town: Work, Belonging, and Betrayal in Northern Ontario. 2018, Toronto, Ontario Canada: University of Toronto Press

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Location: Sturgeon Falls, Ontario

Page 8 of 14 Results 351 - 400 of 684

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